For many, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with a fasting day meal plan that is healthy, nutritious, tasty, as well as low in calories.

But in reality, there are many different options out there, but it does take a little planning, and sometimes a bit of inspiration, to come up with something that meets all the requirements above.

Below is a sample meal plan of just under 500 calories that you can use to help you on your intermittent fasting days.

Of course there may be other ingredients that you would prefer, so feel free to substitute and of the ingredients below, but make sure that you check out the calories of whatever you’re changing so that you don’t blow the limit (you may just get a shock at the calories in some of your favorite foods!)

The fasting day meal plan below comes out at 498 calories, so check it out…

smoothie for 5:2 fasting day breakfast
Try a smoothie for your 5:2 fasting day breakfast for a great start to the day


Banana and Berry Smoothie – 125 calories


  • 1 small banana (80g = 71 calories) or mango (100g = 60 calories)
  • 100g strawberries (33 calories) – substitute with other berries such as blueberries or raspberries, although these are higher in calories
  • 1 tsp honey (21 calories – optional)


  1. Just add water and blend until smooth. Easy!

Calories: 125

Servings: 1

Morning Tea

Celery & Carrot Sticks With Tzatziki – 64 calories

  • 50g celery sticks (8 calories)
  • 50g carrot sticks (21 calories)
  • 2 tbsp Tzatziki (35 calories)

Calories: 64

Servings: 1


Asian chicken salad – Serves 2 @ 143 calories each


  • ¾ chicken breast, with bones and skin removed (129g/4.5oz) (213 calories)

Salad –

  • 100g salad leaves (15 calories)
  • ¼ carrot, thinly sliced lengthways (6 calories)
  • 1 small pepper (hot chili), thinly sliced (4 calories)
  • ¼ cucumber, thinly sliced lengthways (12 calories)
  • ¼ red onion, thinly sliced (10 calories)
  • A handful coriander (1 calorie)

Dressing –

  • 1 tsp honey (21 calories)
  • 1 tbsp Lime juice (4 calories)


  1. Cook chicken breast (roast, grill or boil).
  2. Cut into small strips or tear into shreds.
  3. Place chicken onto the salad.
  4. Mix up the dressing and pour over.

Calories: Total=286 calories, or 143 calories per serving

Servings: 2


Minestrone = Serves 4 @ 166 calories each


  • 1L vegetable stock (42 calories)
  • 1 can chopped plum tomatoes (74 calories)
  • 100g thin spaghetti (158 calories)
  • 300g frozen vegetables (176 calories)
  • 2/3 cup cooked chickpeas (or substitute for other types of beans if you prefer) (180 calories)
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano (2 calories)
  • Worcester sauce to taste (15 calories)
  • Chili flakes to taste (15 calories)
  • Small bunch of Basil (1 calorie)
  • Ground pepper to taste


  1. Add the stock, chickpeas, tomatoes, spices and spaghetti to the boil.
  2. A couple of minutes before the pasta is cooked, add the veggies and simmer until the pasta is completely cooked.
  3. Then add the Worcester sauce, pepper and basil to taste.

Calories: Total=663 calories, or 166 calories per serving

Servings: 4

Tell us what your favorite 5:2 fasting day meal ideas are…

If you have some great meal plan suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments section below to help inspire others on their weight loss journey…