When looking for a good side for a meal while on a fast day (or any other day really), then you may want to look towards Asparagus.

At only about 3 calories per (average) spear, you can dish out 6-7 per plate and only rack up 20 calories. Asparagus is also a great source of dietary fiber, Vitamin A and Iron.

You can buy it in a jar or tin, but for me, fresh is so much better… there is no comparison. The stuff you get in a tin is ok, but it is really mushy, and texture in food is important, so get the fresh stuff and cook it yourself.

The best way to cook Asparagus is to steam it, then drizzle a little lemon juice on them (unless you like them plain). With this method, you’re getting all the nutrients and keeping the calories low.

Some Notes About Asparagus…

 asparagus on fasting diet days
Try asparagus on fasting diet days
  • Asparagus is best eaten while fresh, and since it goes bad fast, it should be eaten within a day or two of purchase
  • To prep the asparagus for cooking, rinse off the stalks and cut off the thicker end, or better yet, just snap off the thicker end
  • To keep asparagus fresh before cooking, stand them up in a bowl of cold water in the fridge
  • It can be a bit seasonal, preferring the warmer months, so keep a good eye out at your fresh food grocer or supermarket next time when shopping.

It can be challenging for some when on the fasting diet plan to find foods that they like. If you fall into this category, then why not give Asparagus a go – you never know… you may like it and incorporate it into your daily meal plans also.

For many other ideas and meal plans, have a look at my recipe book. It has heaps of info and inspiration to help you out on your fasting days. Check it out here.