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We’ve broken this Thai Chicken Salad recipe up into two recipes, each cooking the chicken differently.

One is the normal way using an oven-top method, and the other uses a BBQ.

The BBQ one is a favorite of ours as it adds a slightly different flavor, and is 6 calories less due to no stock being used.

Serves 1 @ 143 Calories


Thai Chicken Salad
Thai Chicken Salad can be a nice option on your 5/2 diet fasting days
  • 1 small clove of garlic, crushed (4 calories)
  • 100g chicken or turkey, diced (107 calories)
  • 50ml low-salt chicken or vegetable stock (Only used in Method 1 below) (6 calories)
  • One squeeze of lime juice (0 calories)
  • 4 spring onions – two sliced, two finely chopped (6 calories)
  • 1 red chili, deseeded and finely chopped (0 calories)
  • A sprig of mint (optional) (0 calories)
  • a handful of coriander leaves, diced (0 calories)
  • 80g iceberg lettuce leaves, whole, washed (11 calories)


Method 1 – Stove-top:

  1. On the stove, add the stock to a pot, along with the meat, bring to a boil, then reduce to medium letting the stock evaporate off while cooking the meat. Should only take about 4-5 minutes depending on the size of the meat.
  2. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
  3. On your plate, lay out the iceberg leaves.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the garlic, onion, chili, coriander and mint, along with the lime juice.
  5. Add the meat, toss, then add on top of the iceberg leaves.

Method 2 – BBQ:

  1. Before dicing the chicken or turkey, cook on a hot BBQ until done.
  2. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly, then dice.
  3. On your plate, lay out the iceberg leaves.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the garlic, onion, chili, coriander and mint, along with the lime juice.
  5. Add the meat, toss, then add on top of the iceberg leaves.

Calories: approx. 134 per serving

Servings: 1


The Healthy & Delicious 5:2 Low Calorie recipe book is full of tasty recipes.

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