Healthy & Delicious 5.2 Diet Low Calorie Recipes Book
Not sure what to eat when on the 5:2 diet? Click here to check out our recipe book.

Some people choose to skip a meal on their fasting days in order to keep their calorie counts low. Others eat smaller portions more often, which is also an effective way of dealing with cravings. In the end, you will have to figure out what 5.2 fasting diet recipes and meal plans work best for your lifestyle.

The great thing about the 5:2 fasting diet is that you can adapt it to suit you, as long as you stick to the basic principles.

If you find this too vague and need some more guidance on what you can eat on your fasting days, we have a variety of interesting 5.2 fasting diet recipes and meal ideas with the calorie count already calculated. If you keep the calories in your main meals low, you can even have snacks between meals.

5:2 Meal Ideas and Inspiration

Check out our tasty and low-calorie recipes below for some ideas and inspiration…

Breakfast Recipes


Lunch Recipes

Lunch Recipes

Dinner Recipes

Dinner Recipes

