Some people find it easier to plan out their calories for each meal during a fasting day, then match food to it. It is a fairly simple strategy to have a fasting day meal plan, and worth thinking about when you start the 5:2 diet.

Essentially, you’ll take the 500 or 600 calories you need to eat that day and break it into normal meals and snacks.

For example:

  • Women: 500 Calories
  • Men: 600 Calories

Their calorie counts per meal can be broken down like this…

fasting day meal for the 5:2 diet
A fasting day meal plan is worth thinking about when you start your 5:2 diet
  • Breakfast: 150 Calories
  • Snack: 50 Calories
  • Lunch: 100 /150 Calories
  • Dinner: 150 / 200 Calories
  • Snack: 50 Calories

We’ve split up the day like this for a few reasons:

First, you need a good breakfast, like our Spinach and Egg Whites Omelet and some fruit.

Then a mid-morning snack, something around 50 Calories.

Next a simple lunch like salad or a simple soup.

Then dinner, which is a good number of calories as well as by that time you’ll be hungry, and can use a large spinach salad or hearty soup.

Finally, a snack that could be some more fruit, keeping under the 50 calories.

With this fasting day meal plan, and eating the right kind of foods, you shouldn’t find yourself starving. There are enough kinds of food with low calories to keep you satisfied during these fasting days.

Meal Plan Ideas and Inspiration

Check out some of our low-calorie recipe ideas below for some inspiration…

Breakfast Recipes


Lunch Recipes

Lunch Recipes

Dinner Recipes

Dinner Recipes



Or, for an in-depth look at a 500 calorie meal plan for fasting days, click here.