Beginning a diet can be quite overwhelming, particularly if you are not mentally prepared for the challenge. But there are quite a few things that you can do to prepare yourself before starting the 5:2 diet, which will give you the best chance of seeing the results that you are after. Like most things, preparation is the key.

Here we list some of the main points to consider when starting your fasting diet plan.

For more information on starting a 5:2 fasting diet, click here.


In order to motivate yourself, it is a good idea to think through the process and list the reasons why you want to start a diet as the very first step. Being in the right place mentally will help you to follow through with the 5.2 diet, particularly during the challenging times. People start the 5:2 diet for numerous reasons, but knowing that you are working on improving your health to lead a more fulfilling, active life makes it easier to stick to than if you simply start the diet on a whim.

Look for Support

Plan your 5:2 diet in such a way to ensure success.
Plan your 5:2 diet in such a way to ensure success.

Let your family and close friends know that you plan to follow the 5:2 diet and to actively enlist their support. This group of supporters could even include work colleagues or anybody you have daily contact with. It helps if people around you are aware of your new diet, particularly if you need to meet them for lunch meetings or other social events.

Try motivating someone close to you to also start the 5:2 diet, so you can follow it together. Two committed people can support each other and keep each other motivated while sharing important information or feelings about the diet. Be sure that the person you choose is capable of staying committed and motivated. If this person is more motivated than you are, it will be even better as he or she can help you to stay on track through the hard times.

Plan The Start Of Your 5:2 Diet

Any diet can be challenging and it is best to begin at a time when you are not overly stressed at work or in your home environment. Do your planning in such a way to ensure success. This could mean not starting your diet during holidays or during very busy periods at your workplace. Get rid of any food items that you know you will not be using during this diet program.

Click here for your 5:2 fasting guide

Plan Your 5:2 Fasting Diet Days

Always be prepared for the days on which you will be fasting. Come up with a fasting day meal plan so you won’t be wondering on the day… ‘What can I eat?’ Purchase the food that you need for these days well in advance to ensure that all the necessary items are available to you on the morning of the day on which you plan to fast.

Research Your Food

Research not only which meals will be suitable on the days you fast, but how these meals are made up calorie-wise. Be aware not to overindulge on non-fasting days. Overeating on non-fasting days will detract from the positive results that you have achieved on your fasting days.

Purchase Low-Calorie Foods

Make sure you buy the right foods in preparation for your 5:2 diet days
Make sure you buy the right foods in preparation for your 5:2 fasting diet days

Stock up on tasty foods or food items that you can use when preparing meals for your fasting days. It will always be easier to stick to the correct maximum amount of calories if your meals are at least tasty and enjoyable. Fortunately, many foods that are both healthy and low in calories are readily available, and by checking out the nutritional information label on many foods, as well as checking out our handy list of foods with typical calorie counts, as well as our low-calorie recipes, you can have a large variety of items to choose from on your fasting days.

Monitor Your Progress

Keep a record of and celebrate your progress. Obtain a calendar or planner with sufficient space to record a lot of details if necessary. This will allow you to record your food intake and the exact amount of calories you are consuming. Do not forget to congratulate yourself every time you reach a set goal or goalpost in the program. Sticking to the 5:2 diet means overcoming mental, emotional and physical barriers to greater or lesser degrees and it is important to recognize the progress you make.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself with tangible gifts as you reach certain goals. These can be new clothes to compliment your “new” slimmer figure. Other tangible gifts could be health-related, such as running shoes, a pedometer or a bicycle, which will contribute to your overall general health and fitness.

Look Forward To Success

This intermittent fasting diet is easier to follow than many other diets but still produces noticeable and great results. Set goals, look forward to being successful from the outset of your 5.2 diet and never give up.

The 5:2 diet is a health plan that can become a lifestyle. It is easier to stay motivated to fast for one day if you know you can eat what you want the next… and that’s where the whole secret lies: motivation. Stick to the diet and you will soon feel better about your body and reap the health benefits.  Good luck!

However, if you need some more information on starting the 5:2 diet, I have put together a guide to help you every step of the way. Click below for more details and to access the guide instantly…

Click here for your 5:2 fasting guide