Planning a wedding is stressful and you can often find us brides to be eating anything we can get our hands on at times, but an easy to follow wedding diet could be all that is need to help us get through those stressful periods while still looking awesome come the big day.

Finding the most effective diet should become part of your wedding plan and you should start it early on in the process – the last thing you want is to be hungry, tired and grumpy on your big day.

5:2 diet wedding diet
Using the 5:2 diet as your wedding diet really is your fast track to looking fabulous on your wedding day and your honeymoon.

There are two real options when it comes to a wedding diet. The first is the inevitable one – lose the weight, look great for the day and the honeymoon and then once you get home and back into the normal swing of things the weight comes back on.

For some people this is fine; they just want to look good for the wedding day.

Others though want to start married life off on the right foot and gain an increased awareness of food and be able to incorporate good healthy food into their life on a daily basis.

This is where a diet like the 5:2 diet can come in handy. It is probably the most effective diet for losing weight and helping to keep the weight off long term.

The Most Effective Diet for your Wedding Day

When it comes to a wedding diet it is often the bride focused on losing weight and looking good, but the groom needs to look great as well. The 5:2 diet is the most effective diet for both men and women looking to lose weight, and it can certainly help to have a “diet buddy” to help you through the process.

Apart from the food aspect of things, you can get outside and exercise together which takes you away from the planning phase for half an hour or more, allows you to clear your head, catch up on the day with each other, and gives you all the benefits that exercise does on top of a good diet. 

Depending on how your bridesmaids and groomsmen feel you could also get them in on the act and having everyone looking great for your wedding day.

Why Use the 5:2 Diet in the Lead Up to Your Wedding?

You may be wondering why the 5:2 diet is the most effective wedding diet. Some of the benefits, apart from weight and fat loss include feeling more alert, feeling less anxious and a drop in blood pressure.  There are of course other benefits that you see with exercise, weight loss and fat loss such as less bloating, clearer skin, brighter eyes, and shinier hair; and all of these benefits will have you looking fabulous on your wedding day.

One big question is of course, how do you manage to maintain the 5:2 diet while partaking in all the celebrations, tasting, sampling and get-together that happen with weddings? This is why the 5:2 is billed as the most effective diet – you can work it around what is happening in your life. Have a meal sampling night on Friday and a meet-up with your bridesmaids on the Tuesday night? Simply move your fast days to a Saturday and a Wednesday. This is the wedding diet that will fit around your schedule.

Another great benefit to the 5:2 is that you will see your bank balance retain some of those much-needed wedding funds. Following this diet, you will find yourself cooking more at home from scratch to make it easier to fit your meals into your fast days or to simply have much healthier options on your non-fast days. There is no real point in putting yourself through a fast two days a week to just go and blow out your food intake by getting pizza or Chinese takeaway when you can make a healthier, tastier (and cheaper) version right in your own kitchen.

This isn’t just the most effective diet to lose that extra weight before the wedding and honeymoon; you can easily keep it up once back at home and settling into married life.

There is no denying that weddings and wedding planning can be stressful and while using the 5:2 diet as your wedding diet might seem like hell to start with, it really is your fast track to looking fabulous on your wedding day and your honeymoon.

Click here for your 5:2 fasting guide.