The problem many people have with diets is the feeling of being hungry, and a fasting diet is no exception. When you’re trying to limit the calorie intake on two days each week, you can start to feel the grumbling stomach and the urge to stop the diet and eat comes in strong. Once you’re through a few weeks of this type of diet, it gets easier as your appetite (and hopefully your waistline!) should be shrinking.

But what to do until then??

Our answer: Celery.

Filler and Fiber

Celery: The Diet Filler Food

Celery: The Diet Filler Food

Celery is made of mostly water. It’s also low in calories for its size, meaning you can eat a lot of it and not rack up the calories. On average, one large stalk of celery only contains about 10 calories. With the large amount of water in celery, adding a stalk or two to your meal will fill you with very low calories.

On top of this, celery is a good source of dietary fiber, which helps with digestion, an added benefit to any dieter.

Negative Calories?

There is a rumor around that eating celery actually produces ‘negative calories’, in that the act of eating it burns more calories than what is actually in the food.

For the most part, and unless you chew each bite about 100 times, this is not true. While it’s very low in calories, you don’t burn that much by just chewing.

Organic is Key

Celery is known as a ‘dirty vegetable’ meaning they can contain a high amount of pesticide residue unless they are certified organic. You can (and should) scrub celery before eating, as that does take out a good amount of anything that was sprayed while growing, but if you want the best food for your diets, go with organic.