In 2012, BBC’s Horizon did a documentary called ‘Eat, Fast and Live Longer’ in which the host, Michael Mosley, goes over a few ideas on how people live their lives and achieve great health and longevity.

He talks to a 101-year-old marathon runner (ok, walker/jogger, but still…), talks to scientists about how high-calorie diets can age us, and finally tries out the 5:2 diet and shows the results.

With the diet, he gets his blood tested before as a benchmark, then goes on for 5 weeks of the diet. The results show a better blood test, and him losing weight. I won’t get into the details, but just watch the documentary below and see for yourself.

Another of the interesting parts in this Horizon diet documentary include people who eat extreme nutrition (to the point of peeling apples just to eat the peels) and have an 11% body fat indicator (which is close to extreme professional athletes).

The science behind this shows that the 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, as opposed to continual low-calorie diets, is better for your health, and probably have better results over time.

Watch It Now…

Watch the BBC diet documentary now… click here to watch it.

And don’t forget to check out the 5:2 FastDiet Book on Amazon for more info!

5-2 FastDiet Book on Amazon