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Calorie-Laden Snacks – Be Careful What You Snack On
Can you indulge me for a moment why I rant for just a minute? A while back I was doing a long 8hr road trip and we had to stop to use the lady's room (for all the women out there, I'm sure you can all relate). I thought we would get a snack to tide us over until...
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Dieting – What’s Your Motivation?
This week things have been a little crazy, some things at work just haven't gone to plan and I must admit it has been a challenge. … I’ve also got a wedding coming up that I wanted to make sure I look great for!... So even though times are a little more stressful and...
Are Your Fat Burning Hormones Wreaking Havoc?
Are you considered overweight or obese? Then you may not be able to produce the normal levels of Leptin, causing Leptin resistance. You see, when you have the excess fat stores, your body is excreting plenty of leptin. This should relay a message to the...
Are Bad Habits Sabotaging Your Diet Success?
Hi there! I hope you are having a great week and have your fridge stocked with healthy food for your next fasting day. I am writing to share a realization I have had about my work that I think carries over to other areas of my life… and oh boy was this a big...
Do You Have A Man In Your Life That Needs To Lose Weight?
Do you have a special man in your life who needs help with losing weight and improving their health? Generally speaking, men are different from women... they often eat for different reasons, drink for different reasons, and we'll gain (and lose weight) for...
Fasting Diabetic Breakfast That Gets The Tick of Approval
Healthy Breakfast options often involve Eggs. And there is a good reason for that. Eggs are considered one of the most complete foods around. Eggs are packed full of protein, vitamins, minerals and free of carbohydrates. They are really a great choice whether you are...
Vegan 5:2 Diet Meal Plan
The fasting diet is built around a seven-day cycle where you eat normally for five of those days. On the other two, you reduce your calorie intake to a quarter of what you would normally eat. In order for this intermittent weight loss plan to work, the two fasting...
The Importance Of Water When On The 5:2 Diet
Widely known as the ‘part time diet’, the 5:2 diet requires you to eat five days a week and fast for the remaining two days. It also allows you to consume a strict amount of 500-600 calories a day. This diet is adopted by people and individuals who are looking to lose...
500 Calorie Diet Meal Plan
The 5:2 diet is an intermittent eating plan. The mechanics of this specific program come from not so much what you eat, but how many calories you consume. The basic format is that you eat whatever you normally do for five out of seven days; however, it is best to try...
Best Exercise Ball Options
When you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, there are many options available to you. The main components of a good weight loss program include a healthy eating plan, such as the 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, and some form of exercise. Any kind of movement can...
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