About Me

Hi there, and welcome to my blog TheFastingDietPlan.com

My name is Sarah and after battling with my weight since I was a teenager, I want to share with you some of my experiences, in the hope that I can help as many people as I can.

There are so many overweight people in today’s society, and the problem is only getting worse. It saddens me to know that many can’t get the most out of life because of their weight. I know the difference it has made to my life; being more energetic, not having people staring at me, just feeling good about myself and about life in general. And I want everyone to be able to have that feeling.

Most diets will work (to varying degrees), but you’ve got to find one that works best for you. Many people will go on a diet and lose weight. Then they think “Gee, I’m glad that’s over”, and go back to their old routine, only to put the weight back on.

5:2 fasting diet plan eating tips
The 5:2 fasting diet plan has helped me lose weight, and I truly hope that it can do that same for you!

It’s pointless starting any diet without overcoming the biggest hurdle of all – your mindset. This 1 thing will make all the difference between you failing over and over again, or turning your life around. This is something that is critical to losing weight, which we discuss in more detail on our How do I start page.

If you have a big enough reason, and you truly believe it and are committed to it, then you’ve got a massive head start on everyone else. So think about it for a minute… What’s your reason?

Importance of Awareness

One important thing that I really want people to learn and get out of their diet is a greater awareness and understanding of the food that they are eating, and how and why their body reacts to the food and lifestyle choices that they make. Once they know this, it is easy to understand why people pile on weight after going back to their old habits.

The only way to lose weight, and to keep it off, is to make permanent lifestyle choices, including making changes to what they eat and how much, as well as burning calories through exercise.

It’s exciting when you find the right diet that works for you, and that you manage to stick to. That way you can gain momentum and keep motivated by seeing results while you learn more about your body and good eating habits. After a while, you will start to replace your bad habits with good ones, and eating well and looking after yourself won’t seem like such a chore. You can still eat out and play up, but you will probably start to make it the exception, rather than the rule. Or maybe you won’t even want to anymore.

Losing weight is all about increasing awareness and breaking old habits. For many, it’s not easy, but with the right motivation and a bit of inspiration, anyone can do it.

Wrapping Up

So, once again, my name is Sarah, and I wish you all the best with your weight and health goals. I really look forward to hearing from you on your journey, so please feel free to share and contribute to my blog by posting some comments.

And if you need any help with your 5:2 intermittent fasting diet, I have put together a great plan to help you along the way. Make sure you check it out below…

5:2 intermittent fasting diet guide

Make sure you see what some others thought of the plan…

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Thanks so much for visiting.

To your health…
