Contact Us

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If you have any questions, queries, requests, or anything else you would like to discuss, please fill out the contact form above, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


The FDP Team


PS. If you have not already checked our my 5:2 beginner’s program, it’s got some great practical tips and advice on how to do intermittent fasting. Make sure you check it out here.

But don’t just take my word for it. See what some of my students thought of the Beginner’s Program…


What is FDP?

The Fasting Diet Plan is a website focused on fasting for physical and spiritual health. We are a Christian company that seeks to help people find Christ or come to know Him better through fasting.

Do we offer nutrition plans?

That’s kind of the focus. We help you with recipes, meal planning, and general nutrition for your dieting and fasting needs.

What about exercise plans?

We can help with this too. We often include free plans with other products available for purchase. You can get personalized plans by hiring Randy as your coach.

Do we offer coaching?

We sure do. Currently, you can hire our team member Randy Phuong for group or one-on-one coaching. 

Is there group coaching available?

Yes, Randy offers group coaching.

Are there courses I could take?

There will be courses for you to take soon. Randy is working hard on getting them ready.

Get Your First eBook for Free

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